How To Have A Bikini Body Now


OK – so summer is just getting started.

You want a bikini body right away. It doesn’t mean you have to be wearing a BIKINI to show it off.

Plus, it’s so easy to START with the motivation to get the body you want, and then slowly lose it as you’re unable to keep up the momentum.

That’s totally normal.

However, if you want to get started working out and keep it up, you need some kind of plan. You need a good plan. You need THIS plan.

This plan lasts for 3 weeks and all it takes are 30 minute workouts. Want to know how it works?

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How To Get A Bikini Body

Every week, you’re going to do a total of 6 workouts. Two of them will be high intensity interval training to shred fat, two of them will be strength training workouts that tone your entire body, and two of them will be recovery workouts that are easier – so your body has time to recover. The order doesn’t matter but my personal favorite is alternating them 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. Who knows! You could be different! The world is a magical place.

The point here is that you’re going to be working out almost every day per week, which is a great way to build up the habit of working out and keep things going.

Try knocking them out in the morning (here’s how to be an early morning exerciser) to feel great for the entire day!

Workout #1: High Intensity Interval Training

If you’re looking for cardio, this is it. This is how you use high intensity interval training to massively burn calories, get your metabolism cooking into overdrive, and strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system (1).

You’re going to want to rotate between these 3 exercises. In the first week, you’re going to do these exercises for 20 seconds each, then rest for 60 to 120 seconds. In the 2nd week, bump up the time to 30 seconds each, and in the third week, bump it up again to 40 seconds each.

You’re going to want to do these as fast as you can – so you can get the most amount of reps in the prescribed time as possible. Remember – push yourself, but make sure your form stays good the whole time for the best results.

Exercise 1: Lateral Shuffle

Stand up straight, keeping your feet at hip width. Bend your knees, keep your chest and torso upright, and have your elbows bent at 90 degrees (2).

Take a wide step to your right, then bring your left foot to meet your right foot – then switch directions, stepping out with your left foot and bringing your right foot to meet your left. Keep alternating.

Exercise 2: Jump Squat

For this exercise, start with your hands behind your head and your elbows out, standing up straight with your feet at hip width (3).

Next, bend your knees until your thighs are almost parallel with the floor, and push your butt back and out. Keep your chest as vertical as you can, then jump as high as you can. When you hit the floor, lower back down into the squat and start the next rep.

Exercise 3: Horizontal Climber

Get in a pushup position, and keep your hands directly under your shoulders. You should be able to draw a straight line from your head to your ankles.

Next, keep your abs and core tight and bend your left knee and raise it up towards your chest. Then, return your left knee and repeat with your right leg, and keep alternating.

Workout #2: Tone Your Body

Here’s the strength training your bikini body is CRYING OUT for. After all, how can you get a bikini body without muscle tone?

This will help your body to maximize your heart rate, burn calories, and add lean muscle. Do each pair of exercises with a 30 second break in-between the pair. In the first week, do 1 set of each pair, the 2nd week do 2 sets of each pair, and the 3rd week do 3 sets of each pair.

Exercise 1a: Bent Over Row

Stand up, feet hip width apart, knees bent, and hold a pair of dumbbells so that your palms are facing towards each other.

Bend forward at your hips and pull the weights towards your chest with your shoulder blades back and together. Do 12-15 reps.

Exercise 1b: Lunges

Arms at your sides, feet hip width apart, chest straight up and down.

Next, step forward with your left leg and bend both knees until your right shin is parallel with the ground – you want to get as low as you can without touching the ground.

Push off with your left foot and go back to start position, then alternate legs. Do 12-15 reps.

Exercise 2a: Leg Lift Planks

Start off in the plank position. Have your forearms on the ground, with your elbows right under your shoulders, and your legs all the way directly behind you. Your feet should be hip width apart.

Next, squeeze your glutes (that’s your butt) and raise your left foot a couple inches off the ground. Hold it there for 2 counts, then slowly lower it and raise your right foot. Do 12 reps.

Exercise 2b: Resistance Band Axe Swings

For this exercise you’re going to need to use a resistance band. Have it secured above your head, then stand to the left of it with your feet hip width apart.

Turn your torso slightly to the right and reach up with both hands to grab the handle. You want your arms to be straight and above your shoulder.

Then, keep your arms straight and your back flat, and pull the handles across your body down to your left knee. Hold for one count and then slowly return to the starting position. Do 12-15 reps, then switch sides.

Exercise 3a: Weighted Dumbbell Squats

Stand up straight, feet hip width apart, and hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height. Push your butt and your hips back to go down in a squat, keeping your chest as straight up and down as you can.

Next, push off through your heels and return to a standing position, and push the dumbbells up over your head. Lower your arms back to the starting position, then repeat. Do 12 -15 reps.

Exercise 3b: Romanian Deadlift

Stand up straight, feet hip width apart, keeping your knees slightly bent. Hold a pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs with your palms facing inwards.

Use your hips to bend down until your chest is almost parallel with the floor, without rounding your back and keeping the weights close to your legs. Squeeze your butt as you slowly return to standing position. Do 12-15 reps.

Workout #3: Recovery Workouts

This workout is meant to be done fast – and it’s all about the stretching. You can’t go full intensity all the time, it just wouldn’t give your body time to recover.

Plus, you’ll be improving your posture and stretching out key muscle groups. Do each of these moves 2 or 3 times.

Exercise 1: Upright Chest Stretch

Stand up straight with your right side next to a wall. Bend your right arm at 90 degrees and put your palm and your forearm on the wall, then push your torso forward and stretch your chest for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

Exercise 2: Floor Superman Stretch

Lie down on the floor face down and reach your arms above your head, keeping them resting on the floor. You want a straight line from your arms through your shoulders, and have your palms facing each other with thumbs pointing towards the ceiling.

Next, squeeze your shoulder blades together and use them to raise your arms a few inches upwards. Make sure to keep your arms straight, hold them there for a one count, then slowly lower them back to the floor. Do 10 reps.

Exercise 3: Hip Stretch

Kneel down on your left knee and put your right foot flat on the floor in front of you, keeping your torso straight up and down and your hands resting on your hips.

Next, push your hips as far forwards as you can (while remaining comfortable) and keep your torso upright.

The stretch should come from the front of your left hip – hold it for 30 seconds and then switch legs and repeat.

Exercise 4: Simultaneous Hip Extensions

Lie down on the floor on your back and keep your feet flat on the floor with knees bent. Have your arms on the floor out to yours ides at a 45 degree angle, and keep your palms up. Next, tighten your torso and core and squeeze your butt to lift your hips up an inch off the floor.

Starting in that position, raise your hips up until there’s a straight line between your knees and your shoulders.

Hold for one count at the top, then go back to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

I hope this article helped you. Unfortunately, there’s tons of diet and fitness advice online that looks like good advice, but is actually sabotaging your weight loss for a very specific reason.

If you want to lose fat as quickly as possible and keep it off, read this new article to discover how to burn fat 3 times faster (even while you sleep) and keep it off for good
